And now, it's time for the weekend update!

Mikey P in the house!
With the next few rounds of FormulaDRIFT on the east coast, Mike brought his rig and car back to us for some maintenance and post-Long Beach fixes. It's always nice to have Mike's car at the shop, you can catch him and the rest of the FD circus in Atlanta in a few weeks!

Business up front, party in the back.
Kenric's car is just about wrapped up, we've got the radiator setup reassembled, the rear window is back in it after some paint around the edges. There's just some plumbing work to finish up and it should be on it's way back to him, so he can shred the rest of the season.

Monster 370z
Lots of progress has been made on Derrick's 370, Chris finished trimming the engine covers for the intake manifold install, he fabricated a new intercooler based on a Bell core, and made new intake tubes/chargepipes, including these super gnarly upper titanium tubes. We've still got to build an auxilliary wiring harness for the additional sensors we've added, but we're getting closer by the day to firing this up.