Drift cars all around!

Rules exist to be broken, right?
With every new season of FormulaDrift comes a new set of rules, and this year is no exception. For Prospec competition, FD has now regulated that all cars must use a factory steering column and pedal assembly, or take a 3 point per-round penalty. With this in mind, we've been busy backdating Alex's 370z to current standards, with Chris taking the lead on the fabrication work necessary to get the car back in line with the rulebook.

Go hard in the paint
We've finalized pulling the drivetrain from the R32 GT-R we acquired recently, and have begun prepping the engine bay for some paint work. There were a few extra holes added to the bay over the years that we've filled back in, and we're working through removing any extra hardware and bracketry that would get in the way for some fresh paint.

Stay cool, but don't freeze.
Kenric brought us his LS-swapped E36 drift car for a rear-end refresh. We're mounting up a new radiator and ducting it through a new plexiglass rear window. We've sealed up some holes in the rear firewall that were previously used for fresh air ducting with some beadrolled panels.